Emergency Closure Procedure

Emergency Closure Procedure 


Communication of closure will be through a number of means:-

  • Email:

Parents will be contacted by e-mail or text message

  • Bucks CC Web site:
  • Local radio:

If you suspect a problem, listen to Greatest Hits Radio Bucks, Beds & Herts (formerly MIX 96) or HEART local radio who will provide information on all local school closures.

  • Via Volunteer Parent Contacts:

It must be emphasised that you are expected to phone the  volunteer parent contacts rather than vice-versa. In the event of an emergency the school will contact the Volunteer Contacts. Please refer to the list which has been issued separately.

  • Notice at the school gates:

You should inform your child that if they arrive at school unaccompanied they must come in to school to be dealt with by a member of staff.



In the event of closure during school hours, these methods will be our main means of communication to parents:

                                       · Local Radio Greatest Hits Radio Bucks, Beds & Herts and HEART

                                       · Emergency Volunteer Parent Contacts

                                       · Via ParentMail (e-mail and text)

Please be aware that in these circumstances of high usage, texts may not be received for some time.

No children will be released from school care unless they are accompanied by an authorised adult. It will be assumed under these circumstances that an “authorised” adult will be any person designated as an emergency contact on the school’s data base unless communication has been made with the school to confirm an alternative.

In all circumstances the safeguarding of the child will be regarded as paramount.

Please do not telephone the school as you will block our phone lines.

Emergency Volunteer Parent Contact details are issued separately to parents during the autumn term.