Pastoral care
The Governors are required to keep under review their arrangements for the admission of pupils with special disabilities and the provision for these pupils in school. Application for admission to this school for pupils with disabilities is dealt with in accordance with the normal arrangements for admissions.
Facilities for access to the buildings and to the curriculum for pupils with special disabilities are reviewed according to the individual needs of pupils. Pupils with disabilities join in with curriculum activities with other pupils as far as those particular disabilities will allow.
Medical Information
You are responsible for ensuring that your child is well enough to attend school and in the case of a medical condition which does not stop him/her from attending school, providing the Headteacher with sufficient information about the medical condition and possible care needed at school.
If children do need to take medicines at school parents should provide the Headteacher or the Welfare Assistant with a letter requesting that medicines be given, with precise instructions for its use. Medicines will not be given under any other circumstances.
Special Needs
Some children can have short or longer-term difficulties in one or more areas of the curriculum. Working with parents, the school aims to identify childrens' problems early on and work for improvement in these areas. You are encouraged to bring to the school's attention any problem which might affect your child's education. As far as resources allow, the school will provide for help internally or through its links with the Support Services provided by the LEA.
There are times when the difficulties are such that it becomes necessary for the child to have a Statement of Special Educational Needs, a process involving a partnership between the parents, the school, the Educational Psychologist, the School Medical Officer and the County Council. Provision for children with statements is made by Buckinghamshire County Council and this is normally within the school. On rare occasions this may mean placement at another school.
The school also recognises that a child's special needs may relate to special aptitudes, in which case the school will aim to meet these needs through its curriculum provision.
Pupils with Disabilities
The Governors are required to keep under review their arrangements for the admission of pupils with special disabilities and the provision for these pupils in school. Application for admission to this school for pupils with disabilities is dealt with in accordance with the normal arrangements for admissions.
Facilities for access to the buildings and to the curriculum for pupils with special disabilities are reviewed according to the individual needs of pupils. Pupils with disabilities join in with curriculum activities with other pupils as far as those particular disabilities will allow.