
The school was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2022. Overall, the school has been judged as ‘Requires Improvement’, but with elements of ‘Good’. The report highlights areas for improvement and opportunity, alongside many elements of our provision that are well-established and of high quality, for example, in the areas of Personal Development and Early Years, which were both graded as ‘Good’.

Inspectors found that pupils enjoy their school and that teachers care about their needs and keep them safe. Bullying is rare.

Ofsted said that New leaders have established high expectations and clear routines that support learning.

Ofsted also identified that The new and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND, is broad and inspiring. The curriculum in the Early Years is well designed and skilfully delivered.

The report recognises that The school’s work to support pupils wider development is a strength. Pupils enjoy a variety of carefully planned opportunities that enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This helps pupils to be ready to take the next steps in their education and beyond.

Inspectors noted that Leaders meticulously and promptly follow up concerns they have about pupils. Leaders work hard to support the most vulnerable pupils and families, so they get the help that they need.

We are working hard on the recommendations and look forward to sharing this work when we are next inspected.