Our provision for Pupil Premium children continues to improve as we carefully track their attainment and progress.
The aim of our Pupil Premium (PPM) funding at Overstone Combined School is to address the current underlying inequalities between disadvantaged pupils with other pupils in our care. We do this by ensuring that the funding is strategically and effectively targeted to address barriers to success and academic progress/achievement between PPM and non-PPM pupils.
When identifying strategies and allocating funding to particular projects we consider the impact of previous experience within our school context, as well as applying knowledge gained from external research. We are committed to using a range of measures to evaluate the impact of the spend as an ongoing process throughout each academic year. These include headline measures (for example national and local trends) as well as individualised monitoring and evaluation processes which are developed in conjunction with staff who have specific responsibilities for reviewing the pupil premium impact.
The school allocates its funding in the following key areas.
- Curriculum - Particular focus on Literacy and Numeracy across the curriculum and specific intervention strategies to target the attainment and progress gaps between PP and non PP pupils in all year groups
- Specific need - Pupils who are identified with a specific need including SEND pupils, high attaining pupils on entry and pupils with behavioural issues are supported to ensure that the gap between PP and non PP pupils with these needs narrows
- Teaching and Learning - To develop compelling learning throughout the curriculum through a culture of consistency and creativity.
- Cultural capital - Access to extra-curricular/enrichment opportunities, regardless of the pupil’s background so that all aspects of the learned curriculum are available to all pupils
- Attendance and punctuality - to implement strategies to address the gap in attendance between PPM and non PPM children.